Over 10 commercial consultants are available to customers for any request. TOHID DENTAL COMPANY consultants are a valuable technical and professional point of reference for our customers. Constantly updated and trained on new materials and devices directly by the manufacturing companies, they are always able to assist the customer and help him solve all the problems relating to the product category, the supply, the technical aspects of the work. Their managers have ample decision-making autonomy, for the necessary customizations of the offer and of the proposed solutions.

The team of consultants is constantly assisted by experienced and up-to-date specialists who intervene at the customers’ headquarters for particular topics such as: implantology, CAD CAM world, digital radiology, computer systems . A recent survey carried out among an important sample of customers has shown that the competence and great availability of our consultants is able to guarantee them a concrete operational serenity and a lot of safety, for the good of all their patients.

We are always present, updated and available, to solve all your needs.

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